Village Origanals Inc.

Spessartine Garnet

Spessartine Garnet

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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Spessartine is used emotionally to activate the analytical processes of the mind, to alleviate fears and provide confidence to change one’s life. The spiritual energy of Spessartine is effective in assimilating higher levels of inner growth and balance. Spessartine Garnet is a powerful stone for attraction and manifestation, teaching us how to transform our visions into reality. It gives us confidence, strength and vigor, and inspires our creativity. Spessartine Garnet ignites within us a fierce desire for self-realization and gives us the strength to endure both spiritual hardships, as well as the more prosaic everyday struggles in the pursuit of our dreams. Spessartine Garnet is also a very joyful stone, showing us the incredible beauty of this world and reminding us how truly fortunate we are. Spessartine Garnet helps us to see challenges as adventures and to move with both passion and serenity, as the situation calls for. It also increases the flow of chi energy through our bodies and clears away any negative energy that has become stuck.

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